Sunday 17 August 2014

Round 2 on my Chest Tattoo

Sorry I’m a little late on this one, I was too sore to blog. On Friday I got my chest tattooed again, and even low we didn’t get it finished... it is looking great, I’m stoked with it (Fingers crossed one session and it should be done)

Tattoo’s take long, and good tattoo’s ages

The chest is defiantly the most painful place I have been tattooed. It’s not fun, but it’s the price we pay for good art. 

Now for the reason 

With my FA - Friedreich's Ataxia I have all the heart problems that comes with it, so I got this tattoo of a heart in a coffin with the words “STILL BEATING” as a metaphor to say as long as my heart is still beating... I’m going to still be here kicking (FA) ass... and we just added in the bone wings because it looks cool.
                                                           (How it's looking Now)
                                                                     (Before Friday's session)

I have to thank the one and only Emma Garrard for this tattoo

After staring in a busy high street studio in 2006 emma has been lucky enough to meet and work with some of the best artist in the industry and received a nomination for best UK female artist at tattoo jam 2012.

Emma believes there is so much to offer with the art of tattooing and works passionately with her clients to give the best she can.

Every person is unique and requires individual approach.

Check her out

So looking forward to getting this tattoo finished, then pain is so worth it. 

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