Wednesday 23 July 2014

Some very Interesting things are Coming

Some very interesting things are coming, had this emailed to me yesterday.

Dear All

I’m writing to a number of you from the BU Carer and Service User Partnership; some of you I’ve managed to speak to, but to others this will be new.

The Adult Nursing team are hoping to set up a ‘simulation activity’ with Year 2 students.

The aims of the activity are:

1.    For students to undertake a simulated assessment of a “real” patient as part of a small peer group
2.    For students to “handover” the patient in a simulated ward report  to peers and academic staff
3.    For students to receive feedback on their performance through a)a short written report from the patient b) peer and academic verbal feedback.

So the essence of  the exercise is that you (as the patient) will undergo an admission to hospital or a first (home) visit in order for the student to do a nursing assessment and care plan. You won’t have to undress and the activity will take place in our skills labs which are set up like hospital wards or home settings.
The student will then do a handover in another room and you will then complete an evaluation form on how the student conducted the assessment.

That is pretty much all of the detail I have at this stage. We are holding a meeting to plan this and hear your thoughts about it. I would love you to be part of this, but by coming to the meeting you aren’t committing yourself. The activity is timetabled for February and May 2015, but we need to plan early because of the large numbers of students!

The meeting will take place

On: Friday 8th August 2014

Time: 11am – 1pm

Place: Bournemouth House
            19 Christchurch Road
            BH1 3LH

Tea/coffee will be provided.

Of course I replied with a “yes I'm on board count me in.

This is all part of working with the Bournemouth University Carer and Service User Partnership, a group of fantastic wonderful people. I am a Service User, and I like being one I feel like I am giving something back to the people of tomorrow. For now this is just a meeting on the 8th, but fingers crossed it can turn into something more. I have had some hospital experience, so I have something I can bring to the table. (Because you know as the say sharing is caring)

I hope I bring some good by the things I share.
And it's another step in the right direction to help get the message of FA - Friedreich's Ataxia to those who don't know anything about it.

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