Last night I had episode 4 and a half of the freaky pain
attacks I’ve been having, and as I was flat on my bed in some hardcore pain my
friend Ricky come over. As my mum explained to him what was going on, he told
us he suffers from gallstones and when he has had from them he said the pain paralyse
him. After he saw me last night with the sweat coming off me he said it sounds
like gallstones, so maybe I do have them. Later on in the night my brother had
a friend over and it was his birthday and a few other friends of theirs came over
and they bought him round a cake. It was a Chinese sponge cake and it was nicest
cake in the world. Of course I had some (I love the cake like a fat kid love
the cake) and if indeed I have gallstones and maybe eating the cake brought on
the half episode maybe it did all I know is that cake was so damn good it was
worth being in pain.
So maybe if I do have gallstones (which it’s indeed looking
like I do) I’m going to have to stop eating bad foods like KFC, pizza, sweets and
cake and trade them for carrot sticks and heather foods. Come when I see the
Doctors I’ll be passing all this new information on to them and we will see
where we end up, I’ll keep you all posted and updated.
So i've been think of changing my blog name form Justin's Blog to ScrimBlog. Why? you may ask because i am just weird like that, i like taking my surname Scrimaglia and mixing it with stuff. Like my Ipod i call Scrimpod and my xbox gamer tag it Scrimbob which is a mix of my surname and SpongeBob SquarePants.
So yeah people of the world who read my blog let me know what you think, yea or nay on the ScrimBlog leave me a comment on here or Tweet me on Twitter @JDScrimaglia.Anyway i'm off got friends staying for the weekend so to everyone i hope you all have a great weekend. :-)
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