Thursday, 29 August 2013

Feeling Old and Disabled

Maybe this is a FA thing or just an every person thing? But sometime I feel old as fuck (sorry for my language it's just the way I’m feeling) and I know this is a FA one and really disabled. Like yesterday I went food shopping with my mum and my legs were not working probably for my transfers in and out of the car, I felt really weak pushing myself around Asda. Now I wasn’t tired I just didn’t feel myself, weird any fellow FA people feel like this sometimes? When we got back home I continued by dropping things and knocking things over I won’t lie it was a pretty crappy day. I woke up to day and the first thing I do is fall out of bed (I’m fine by the way I didn’t hurt myself) I’m guessing it will pass as this is not my first time feeling like this and I can’t be the only FA person to feel this way right? And I’m not even old really I’m 25 going to turn 26 on Saturday (I know I’m now on the wrong side to 30 now but still) I shouldn’t feel like an 75 or 80 year old man right? Because that’s how I’m feeling right now I guess it’s just another one of those days.

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