Monday 12 August 2013

Help me Reach the big 1000 blog views and Sharing other FA blogs

My all time page views for my blog at 953 which for the few months I have been blogging  for is really high, people must enjoying what I am doing. I would love to reach 1000 page views so please keep reading and sharing my blog and help me achieve the big 1000.

Three people I know with FA too have started doing their own blogs now (I’ll post some links to the blogs so please check them out)  if I have inspired them to start blogging then cool and also it helps raise awareness for FA  (Friedreich's ataxia) and I am all for that so girls keep up the good work :-).

The first blog is by Chloe

And the next one comes from Holly Almond

And the 3rd blog comes from Laura Bishop

So please go and check out their blogs and leave them some feedback.
And also Jamie Lynn Cusick asked me ages ago to share this for her and I said yes but I have had a lot going on in my own life I just forgot sorry. Jamie is another female that suffers from FA and she has writing a few books about having FA and living with it. Now I have not read any of her books yet but I want to I will post the link below and please take a look.

1 comment:

  1. Justin you have done so much good for us lot and I know your dream is to mentor and you would be so awesomely perfect at it!
