Tuesday 4 March 2014

March 4th The Big Talk

Today the 4th of March, I and mum did our talk to the 30 trainee (Had to do a edited here, because i am a dumb ass sometimes, i don't know why for the life of my why i referred to them as trainee's because they were not they were students, studying to become) OT’s occupational therapists.

It was 3 hours going from 10am – 1pm, and there was me, my mum and another lady who was also a career. The group of the 30 was split up into 3 groups of 10 and we all took a group to run through a check list.

Here is the check list

How can I? 

Consider my client as an individual?
Listen to what say?
Inform them about I am doing in a way they will understand?
Educate them about occupational therapy?
Naturally approach them in a genuine and honest manner?
Treat them with respect and value their opinions?          
Cut down barriers to ensure they feel welcome in my service?
Engage then in a partnership throughout the occupational therapy process?
Negotiate with them about goals and outcomes?
Treat them politely and equally?
Respect them when they change their minds and re-focus their goals?
Ensure they understand about risks, safety 0issues and resource limitations?
Demonstrate confidence in my practice?

I Believe I covered the entire check list, well I hope I did with the experiences and stories I shared. I always started out with Hello I’m Justin and I have Friedreich's Ataxia, and not one of them knew what it was. They do know so mission accomplished, 30 new people in the world now know about FA, as Tesco says every little helps but that wasn’t why I was there. 

I was there to help them and they helped me back, I very much enjoyed doing it. I was very nervous and a little scared going into it, yes I know I have spoke to random people before about FA and things with my life but I have never done a talk about it to groups of people.

They made me feel very welcome and relaxed, and when I got going I couldn’t stop talking, I got to the put where I was losing my voice by the time the 3 hours was up. The time flew by, I guess time dose fly by when you’re having fun. 

Each one of the 30 took one of the Awareness cards I had made, so that’s really good more awareness raised for FA.

I had such a good time today, with it being positive and productive that if the opportunity arises again I’d like to do it again.

Thank you

To any of the student occupational therapists who maybe reading this from today I just want to say thank you, for making me feel welcome and thank you for positive and productive 3 hours.


  1. Hi Justin, thanks so much to you and your mum for taking the time to talk to us yesterday. It was really helpful to hear about your experiences and learn about FA. Keep on raising the awareness :)

  2. Thank you for your comment and taking the time to check out my blog. I'm glad i helped yesterday :-)

  3. Hi Justin - so good to meet you last week. Was lovely to chat to you and your Mum. So helpful, thank you :)
