Friday 7 March 2014

It's just one of those days!!

It's just one of those days!!

This is a saying us FA’ers know all too well, maybe you use a different term for it I use this to describe a bad day. I am having one today and I am going to try my best to guide you through it.

A bad day, or as I put it It's just one of those days!!

Here goes, so I woke up this morning and it took me some time to get out of bed (I didn’t get my 10hours sleep, so I was like a non functioning robot) got myself into my wheelchair and rolled off heading for the bathroom.

Now in the bathroom, using the toilet was fine, apart from transferring as on days like this my legs tend to get a mind of their own and just go in any direction they want to, and not where I want them too.

FA has a lot to do with messages from the brain and on days like this they defiantly get lost in translation. Usually I have to put 100% concentration into everything I do, on days like this it’s more like 80% and that other 20% just gets lost.

For example, after using the toilet I got myself back into my chair to the next step of brushing and teeth and so on. I am there brushing away, and this is where concentration comes in because in a split second I go from brushing to my left and knocking a few things of my bathroom cabinet, how I have no idea just lost concentration and I didn’t fall out of my chair or hurt myself. Even things like picking up soap, simple for most I dropped it like 5 or 6 times, thank god I’m not in prison. (Hahaha sorry bad joke)

Today I am just going to take things nice and slow, and hope for the best. If i don't break something or myself by the end of the day i'll be highly surprised - It's just one of those days!!

I hope i have giving you some inside knowledge to a bad with FA - Friedreich's Ataxia. Take this and add few falls, and dropping cups and smashing a few things and then you got a really, really bad day on you're hands.
They do happen, believe me but they are a rare thing to just like FA - Friedreich's Ataxia.

And in other news

Tomorrow i a going to London for this 

UFC Fight Night, and i got cage-side seats i am very excited. I'm going up with some friends, which we haven't hang out for ages so that's going to be really cool too :-) it's going to be a fun day.

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