Sunday 26 January 2014

High Voltage Rolling in Waitsroe

I woke up today and it was pissing it down here in Bournemouth, which pissed me off as tonight it is the WWE Royal Rumble and I needed snacks. (As I am a big time WWE fan snacks with the Rumble is a must) After I had some crumpets, yes I’m British I love crumpets, I got dressed and waited for the rain to stop. In the afternoon it did, so I geared up and took my shot. 

I have a brand new Rascal 650 mobility scooter which some lovely friends of mine gave me just before Christmas. I hit the shops on my scooter, and I went to Waitsroe (it’s usually where old people and the upper class go to shop) me rolling in on scooter was hilarious, and some of the looks I was receiving were priceless.  I bet if I looked like Irving Zisman, from Bad Grandpa, they wouldn’t care but just because I am young and on a scooter, I get some damn right funny looks. I just smiled at them and got on with my shopping plus I was having a hell of a time cemetery gates by Pantera was Rocking on my iPod. \m/

As I was rolling around Waitrose’s as well as rocking out to Pantera, all I could think about was the old Irn Bru advert and how much I wanted to pull it off. Here it is for those who have never seen it or just can’t remember it.

My mission is no complete, snacks have acquired so I can kick back now and relax all day until the WWE Royal Rumble tonight. To all the WWE fans if you are watching the Rumble tonight have a good and here’s to us having fun.

Thursday 23 January 2014

Danger Justin strikes again

Danger Justin strikes again.

This afternoon I took a nice and relaxing shower, well that was until I got out. On my way, my shower chair I use decides to fall off, so I had to shout for my mum and ask her to put it back on for me. Which she did, and then as I am transferring from shower chair to my wheelchair I go and kicked my bathroom cabinet and my 3rd toe on my right foot starts bleeding. Thanks to the new archery in my foot I was bleeding like a stuffed pig, and it is still bleeding now but not as bad
My mum was like you need to go to the hospital, and me I was like No!. After she looked at it she thinks I have ripped the skin of the top of my toe, and maybe that I’ve cracked my nail too.
We have taped It up and currently have it elevated, so fingers crossed that does the job and means no hospital or doctors. 

Just goes to show that a FAer can be in a war zone on any day, oh well life goes on. :-)

Sunday 19 January 2014

When am I going to learn? & I got my apology.

When am I going to learn?

It is now 1.30Aam on the 19/01/2014 and I just not long ago fell out of my wheelchair. The reason for this is because I am an idiot, and I drink way to fast. I rolled into the kitchen to make myself a drink, made the drink, took a gulp because that’s what I do. Next minute I am choking and come out of my chair, and I’m on the kitchen floor with vimto around me. I didn’t hurt myself, but when am I going to learn I need to start drinking slower.

My dog Oatis must of heard me choking and ran in barking, and my brother followed him, and then helped me out and got me back in my wheelchair. 

I am fortunate when I fall that I never hurt myself, I guess where I have falling a lot over the years I have found a way over falling right if that sense, and I should be a stuntman.  Sometimes I have control over weather I am going to fall or not, and other times it’s just inevitable. I only know one thing is true, that it wasn’t my first time falling, and it sure won’t be my last.

Going back to November now and remember my train journey from hell. ( I received an email, this morning from South West Trains and I got my apology.

Here is the email
Dear Mr. Scrimaglia

Thank you for your email of 25 November 2013. I am sorry we have taken longer than we would like to reply to you. This is due to a large volume of correspondence and calls we have recently received.

I’m very sorry that we let you down by failing to provide you with the assisted travel service that you had taken the time to book in advance of your journey.  I completely understand that customers booking this service trust our staff to offer a high level of service and for the assistance that has been booked to be guaranteed and I apologise that you had such a bad experience. 

Assisted travel bookings are processed at the Customer Service Centre where there is a robust system in place to ensure that all the staff who need to know that you intend to travel are aware of this before hand.  We take any failure of booked assistance very seriously as we recognise that not only is this distressing at the time of the journey, a bad experience can also have a very negative affect on any future travel plans a customer may have. 

The most valuable reassurance that we can provide you with is to take steps to ensure we have done all we can to prevent this incident being repeated in the future.  At the heart of our company values is our commitment to learn from our mistakes.  With this in mind, I assure you that your complaint will be investigated in full with the Managers concerned for the staff involved.  Our Access and Integration Manager will also be made aware of the situation.  Whilst the outcome of the investigation will remain internal we will do all we can to make sure that next time you travel your assistance is as you booked it. 

I hope that your future journeys are more enjoyable.  Thank you for contacting us.

Kind regards
William Bettridge-Radford
Customer Service Advisor

Time will tell i guess if they learn from it.  

Sunday 12 January 2014

Mini Adventure (My independents is coming back)

Yesterday I took my first day out on my own in ages. (My independents is coming back) I only went down to my local shops, to a place called Winton. It’s only about 15-20 minutes down the road, took me a little longer though as it was my first time doing it in ages.  Plus it was my first time out solo in my light weight wheelchair, which went fine, the only one scary moment was I came to cross this road, and it had a bit of slope to the pavement, I was coming down it and because the is nothing to my wheelchair, it took all my energy and strength to stop myself rolling, I almost flew into this oncoming van, it was a close call. 

The reason I went out was, I have flesh tunnels and I lost the due to all the operations I had to have done, so I am in the stages of starching them back up, they are now at a 5mm.  I go to White Flame tattoo studio, they also do piercings and now tattoo removing viva laser, so check them out. (

I went into WHSmith to but the newest copy of MetalHammer magazine and this is where the embarrassing moment of yesterday came.  I am in a busy queue waiting to pay, and I have my iPod rocking away on full volume and I have my Skullcandy headphone around my neck, so I think the people can hear what I am listening too, I always have my iPod on shuffle mode, anyway on comes All Out of Love by Air Supply damn me and my love for 80’s love songs.

After hitting a few more shops I decided it was time to come home.  Now on the way the back to where I live I have to go up a bit of a hill, so I get to the hill and start my climb. I get 2 people come to me and ask if I want them to push me up, nice of them but I say no I got this (As I am a stubborn git hahaha) I made it to the top and I was like Hiro Nakamura after the first time he time travels in Heroes, Yes I did it. (With a big smile on my face) I hurt my right wrist on the hill, but it seems fine day, I made it home and I was knackered I forgot how much of a killer pushing my fat ass around was.
                                                   (This is Hiro Nakamura from Heroes)

I could have just got a bus down there and back, but I wanted to get some exercise, plus I’ve had some bad experiences with buses. One day I went to get on a bus, the bus driver looked at me, and went I suppose you want the ramp down, I just looked back at him and said yes please or I won’t be getting on the bus, as he done the ramp, he was having a pop at me for not having any friends with me, as he put it if I had friends with me they could help me on the bus and safe him a job, I said nothing but I felt like saying sorry I am I disabled and sorry I made you get off your fat ass to do your job, you are a bus driver this is part of your job. 

The last time I was on a bus, I had a lady bus driver and I think she was new to her job and she was proper to the book. Some of the buses down here now have a flip down arm rest in the disabled bay, anyway she was trying to put it down, but she didn’t know how, I looked at her and said it’s ok love I don’t need that I’m getting off up the road, and she was like no it’s going doing, making my feel like a right twat in front of a full bus. 3-4 minutes later she got it away we go, we get near my  stop I hit the bell, and the disabled buzzer is a different sound, anyway she doesn’t stop the bus, I’m like Hmmm ok next stop, I hit it again and still no stop, so I just wheeled to the front of the bus and got off at the next stop, had a bit of a push back to my place and at that time I was in my NHS tank like wheelchair, that day really was a bus ride from hell.  

Thursday 9 January 2014

Just Sharing some Stories Today

Just sharing some stories today of some experiences I’ve had in my wheelchair. To me they are 2 pretty good stories, so I just thought I’d share hope you enjoy them. 

The first story comes from when I was in my collage days, I was doing a web design course and we were doing it up at Bournemouth University. And one day as we were all in the class doing our work and then the fire alarm goes off, and the tutor say’s right leave all your stuff and make your way outside. Everybody dose including the tutor and it’s just me left in the class room alone and I am in my wheelchair. This class room was on the 3rd floor so I could not take the stairs plus I could no longer walk, so that option was out. I was sat there like what the hell do I do, so I rolled out into the hall way and this guy shouted hey over here, I’ll hold the lift for you. So we took the lift down, and then when we arrived outside and this woman started having a pop at us for using the lift because, if it had been a real fire the lift would have got stuck. Turns out what I was meant to do was wait in the class room and the tutor was meant to carry me down the stairs, which I turned round and said if it was a real fire I’d be burning up stairs,  as my tutor ran out and left me. And she didn’t know what to say and all my tutor could say was I am so sorry I forgot about you being disabled.  Nice of that tutor hey I didn’t mind though being forgotten I didn’t appreciate the shouting from that woman, that was my first time of been in a wheelchair and a fire alarm going off I didn’t know what the rules were of what I was meant to do. When you go into a wheelchair you don’t go to wheelchair school or get a manual, you got to learn it all for yourself.

And story two comes from

A few years ago when I and my friend took a trip to Butlins for an adult weekend. We went out one night and both got really drunk, I am a light weight anyway so it doesn’t take much. We both got hungry, and they had a burger king down there, so we go to get some food, we get the food and go to leave, I go to go one way, and my friend goes dude there is a step there, and I go I got this. In my head (Expansion) this was going to work, and look awesome and all girls around would love it, and at this time in my life I was big time into stunt show like Jackass, Viva La Bam, Nitro Circus and so on. That was in my head, and then (Reality) reared its ugly head, I went for it took a little run up, as I hit the step the front of the wheelchair went down, the front wheels slammed into the floor, I fly out like superman, the wheelchair stood up on its front, me still flying, and the I flopped on to the floor like a jellyfish. Honest the place went quieter than a funeral, and then my friend just busted out with this huge laugh he was wetting himself with laughter, it was good time and I was fine I didn’t hurt myself, and it makes for a great story to tell people. 

Hope you enjoyed my stories; I was just in a sharing mood today so through I’d share.