Sunday 24 November 2013

30 Seconds To Mars and a Nightmare Journey

Yesterday’s adventure to London was good times; just the journey both was a nightmare.

I meet Chris yesterday in Winton (here in Bournemouth) at a cafe for breakfast, then we jumped on a bus and headed for the train station. We got to the train station early and we had an hour to kill. He grabbed a coffee and we just sat in the little cafe inside the station and chatted, then he went for a quick smoke and I waited on the platform. A train lady came over to me and asked which train I was getting, I said the 12.59 to Waterloo, she then asked if I had booked ramps, I said yes I have, she asked my name,  I said Justin Scrimagia. She said great I will let my colleague know, but I think she may have forgot to as it was a fellow passenger that told a train man and he got the ramp out. We got on the train and it got delayed leaving Bournemouth and then delayed again at Southampton. Added about 20mins on to our journey, we arrived at Waterloo and their meet us at the train with the ramp to get me off the train.  We then headed for the underground for the tube, busy as hell and oh yes further delays on the tube line we needed.

Having finally making to the O2 arena, we meet up with some friends who were also going to the gig (Abi and Zoe) we all went to Garfunkel's restaurant for food, it was nice good food and good company. After filling our belly’s we had some time kill before heading in for the show to begin.

First up was the support band You Me At Six now Hate is a strong word But I really, really, really don't like them. I will give it to them though they did their job they got the crowd fired up, and for the people who are into them they were loving it and having a good time. After You Me At Six finished I think there was a delay with 30 Seconds To Mars as it took ages for them to start. When they finally hit the stage it was great, a good set they played of new and old hits. The only thing that did annoyed me a bit was Jared Leto stopping to talk, now I understand why he was doing it to make the crowed feel like they were part of it. It got to the point where I was like dude just shut up and sing, when he did sing it was great and the stage show and lighting they had was just wow, it was fantastic to be apart off.

After the show had finished and missing one tube back as it was full. We made it back to Waterloo with about 15mins to go before our train left, so we get to our platform and we see a train man and Chris goes or to him to say we need to get on this train can you get the ramp. The man’s reply, I don’t know nothing about it not my job. 10mins later he come to us and goes I’ll go get someone for you, me and Chris just look at each other and go he could have done that 10 bloody minutes ago.  A train man comes over with the ramp and we get on the train. Now the deal was because they were doing work on lines, the train was only going to Southampton and they were laying on buses back to Bournemouth.  I got told as I can’t get myself on the bus they wound lay on a taxi back to Bournemouth. (Look see play things by the book and you still get nowhere)

Southampton Central (SOU) -  Assistance in transferring between trains,
Assistance at station for alighting,
Wheelchair user requiring ramps at destination station,
wheelchair accessible taxi required to BMH

We got of the train at Southampton and leave the station and go outside to no taxi, we go back in the station to talk to the staff and explain it all to him. He goes maybe they are the other side, so we go the other side and no taxi. We got stuck in Southampton for just over 30minutes and then a taxi driver outside the station, asked what was going on we explained it all to him and in the end he was the one to bring us home.
Both he and the two staff at Southampton were fantastic, lovely people. Bournemouth station will be getting an email of complaint by me, as it was a complete fuck up and lack of communication by Bournemouth. 

Apart from the nightmare of a journey, had wicked time at the gig live music is just the best. :-)

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