Thursday, 27 June 2013

Today I had a really big Rodney you plonker moment

Today I had a really big Rodney you plonker moment.  At the moment I am redecorating/sorting my bedroom around (and if you unfamiliar with Rodney you plonker, then you need to check out Only Fools and Horses). Right back to the story see I ordered a new blackout roller blind that I want to fit in my window. Anyway the blind turns up to day and the thing is flipping huge, turns out I messed the size up I got the width and drop around the wrong way silly me. If I could I would blame this on FA but the truth is I am just a giant fool. My mum has been ripping it out of me all day for this cock up I have made, she even said I should ring up the church and see if they want it to cover their stone glass window as it’s big enough. Even Mr. T would call me a crazy fool if he heard of this story. I’m never going to be able to live this one down, I hold my hands high and admit I am a plonker. I just hope and fingers crossed I can get it changed for the right size that I need.

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