Monday 17 June 2013

Over The Moon With Happiness

I am so happy and over the moon today. Had Hospital today for a check up got there early as I needed to have x-rays done first,  got in to the Hospital and went to the place to check in and get my form for the x-ray department, then off we went to x-ray. Got into the x-ray, handed my form over and the lady said take a seat and we will call you. Now as usual x-ray was pretty full and I thought to myself we are going to be here for some time, but the big man upstairs had my back today. And I got called in pretty fast; after the x-rays were done it was back to the place where I started out to see the Surgeon, Mr. Health Taylor. We arrived back there and within a few minutes of been in the waiting room we got called in to another room. Where a member of Taylor’s team came in to see us first and then Taylor came in, and we talked and he was very happy again with the x-rays and how the shape of the foot is. He asked how I was doing and finding with putting weight on it transferring and things, which I replied with a fantastic. It is 3 months not from my last op on my left foot. Taylor then looked at me and said shall I disgrace you then, I smiled and my face lit up like a Christmas tree. It’s finally over it’s been a long 10 month rollercoaster journey of lots and lots of down’s and few up’s. I wouldn’t change it though I am glad I had the ops done, my Feet are Flat on the Ground now.

If you would like to know what I had done to my feet.  Then go to YouTube search Scrimblog part 5.

Being a person with FA and having flat feet means it’s easier to transfer from my wheelchair to other things, like toilets, bed, in and out the car and other chairs.  Now to any FA people out there who may read this, and who like me had bad, twisting inwards feet. I would recommend having the op’s done, yes there are risks involved just like whiten any operations. Now that I have had the ops done and I am seeing benefits and rewards not only in just having flat feet, but it’s making life a bit easier for me, and I see that as a huge achievement. Today Has Been a Good Day no more Hospital for a while i hope anyway, I am over the moon with happiness, I can finally put all of this behind me now and Move on.

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