Monday, 10 June 2013

Hay-Fever + Wheelchair = Bad Combo

Without fail every year about this time Hay-Fever kicks into overdrive and today I have been suffering really badly. My nose is red raw, sore and running like a tap. I have always suffered from hay fever for as long as I can remember just another thing that has been passed down to me from my mum. Being a wheelchair user and suffering from hay fever is a really bad combo, well it is for me anyway as for when I sneeze. I don’t sneeze like normal people I sneeze at 200mph, like there is a rocket up my bum and I go forward and yes I sneeze that hard that sometimes I launch myself out of my wheelchair like a flying man. A lot of people tell me I need a seat belt in my wheelchair but I sneeze so powerful and silly and go forward that I would still end up on the deck on this time I’ll end up with a wheelchair strapped to my back. Today is just the worst as it’s a high pollen day which I have sneezed about 20 odd times so far I have kept myself in my wheelchair but the day is not over yet.

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