Thursday 27 June 2013

Today I had a really big Rodney you plonker moment

Today I had a really big Rodney you plonker moment.  At the moment I am redecorating/sorting my bedroom around (and if you unfamiliar with Rodney you plonker, then you need to check out Only Fools and Horses). Right back to the story see I ordered a new blackout roller blind that I want to fit in my window. Anyway the blind turns up to day and the thing is flipping huge, turns out I messed the size up I got the width and drop around the wrong way silly me. If I could I would blame this on FA but the truth is I am just a giant fool. My mum has been ripping it out of me all day for this cock up I have made, she even said I should ring up the church and see if they want it to cover their stone glass window as it’s big enough. Even Mr. T would call me a crazy fool if he heard of this story. I’m never going to be able to live this one down, I hold my hands high and admit I am a plonker. I just hope and fingers crossed I can get it changed for the right size that I need.

Monday 17 June 2013

Over The Moon With Happiness

I am so happy and over the moon today. Had Hospital today for a check up got there early as I needed to have x-rays done first,  got in to the Hospital and went to the place to check in and get my form for the x-ray department, then off we went to x-ray. Got into the x-ray, handed my form over and the lady said take a seat and we will call you. Now as usual x-ray was pretty full and I thought to myself we are going to be here for some time, but the big man upstairs had my back today. And I got called in pretty fast; after the x-rays were done it was back to the place where I started out to see the Surgeon, Mr. Health Taylor. We arrived back there and within a few minutes of been in the waiting room we got called in to another room. Where a member of Taylor’s team came in to see us first and then Taylor came in, and we talked and he was very happy again with the x-rays and how the shape of the foot is. He asked how I was doing and finding with putting weight on it transferring and things, which I replied with a fantastic. It is 3 months not from my last op on my left foot. Taylor then looked at me and said shall I disgrace you then, I smiled and my face lit up like a Christmas tree. It’s finally over it’s been a long 10 month rollercoaster journey of lots and lots of down’s and few up’s. I wouldn’t change it though I am glad I had the ops done, my Feet are Flat on the Ground now.

If you would like to know what I had done to my feet.  Then go to YouTube search Scrimblog part 5.

Being a person with FA and having flat feet means it’s easier to transfer from my wheelchair to other things, like toilets, bed, in and out the car and other chairs.  Now to any FA people out there who may read this, and who like me had bad, twisting inwards feet. I would recommend having the op’s done, yes there are risks involved just like whiten any operations. Now that I have had the ops done and I am seeing benefits and rewards not only in just having flat feet, but it’s making life a bit easier for me, and I see that as a huge achievement. Today Has Been a Good Day no more Hospital for a while i hope anyway, I am over the moon with happiness, I can finally put all of this behind me now and Move on.

Sunday 16 June 2013

Back to Hospital tomorrow for what should be the last check up

Back to Hospital tomorrow for what will hopefully be my last check up on my feet. X-rays and all that first and then I will get to see the surgeon that operated on me. Fingers crossed it will be all good news, my new robot feet are feeling good but I’m no doctor or surgeon so I’ll leave it to them. I will know more come lunch time tomorrow as my appointment is at 9.36am.

If you would like to know what I had done to my feet.  Then go to YouTube search Scrimblog part 5.
So just a quick little update I will have more information to share come tomorrow.

Saturday 15 June 2013

My Man of Steel Review

Still keeping it off topic this is my Man of Steel review.
Yesterday at 1.30pm I saw Man of Steel and I was very excited going in as I have pretty much followed this film from the moment that Warner Brothers said they were rebooting the Superman franchise, and I have to say it didn’t disappoint.  As I am a fan of Superman anyway I loved this film but I think even if you are not you will still enjoy it. It’s got a little bit of everything for everybody love story, action, cool fight scenes and things blowing up. No spoilers in this review the film kicks off with going to Krypton which is very cool no film has really done this before. Yeah there has always been talk of Krypton but this time we got to go there and well their vision of it, and it was very cool and was very sci-fi and made you feel like you were on a another planet, that’s how I felt anyway.  The cast do a really good job Henry Cavill as Clark Kent / Kal-EL is a perfect fit he looks and feels just like Superman. As I said it’s a perfect fit they got the right man for the job. Michael Shannon as General ZOD he was great in his role, I just found he was much more terrifying in the trailers leading up to this film but he is still good as a villain, I was just upset that he didn’t say Kneel Before ZOD. But hey it’s a new take on Superman and they are going in new directions with it which is cool in my mind.  As for the rest of the cast Russell Crowe as Jor-EL he’s good, Antje Traue as Faora-UL she’s like General ZOD’s henchman well henchlady and she is superb in this role.  And Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent for me these bites are beautifully done, they are just magic. And for all the rest of the cast they all play their role’s and adds good bites to the film. So let me move on to the only part of the film that was a bit of let down for me, and that was Lois Lane played by Amy Adams. I’ve got no problem with Amy Adams she’s a great actress I guess what my problem was in the film was how they did the writing for her character I don’t know maybe I am reading too much into it, or maybe it’s I’m just too much of a Erica Durance’s is Lois Lane from the TV show Smallville. Who was funny, quick and snappy with one liners maybe I wanted more of this from her, but as I said before it’s a new take on Superman. So apart from that little part I loved this film and enjoyed it, a few bites I had tears in my eyes and from start to finish I had a smile on my face and left feeling very happy. Zack Snyder and co did an amazing job on rebooting Superman and I for one hope they return for a Man of Steel 2 if Warner Brothers don’t get them all to return of just leave at one film then in my mind they are silly. Because I believe this is the Superman film fans have been waiting years for and I “HOPE” we get more. I’ll give Man of Steel 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Thursday 13 June 2013

Super Excited for Man of Steel tomorrow

A little off topic but Tomorrow at 1.30pm I am going to see Man of Steel the new Superman film, and I am super excited. I haven’t been a Superman fan as long as some people in this world, but I have been a fan ever since my best got my into the TV show  Smallville. From that moment out I was hooked on all things Superman. I can’t wait to see the new film, it’s being directed by Zack Snyder (who done films like Watchmen, 300, 2004 Dawn of the Dead) he’s directed some big films. And of course its producer Christopher Nolan and he helped write the story too, and I’m pretty sure I don’t need to list his film; he has done fantastic films well in my onion anyway. So yes roll on tomorrow so I can see it, and after I am going to try and post my first ever film review whether the film is good or bad but I have a feeling it won’t be bad. As a few reviews so far have been saying it’s The Superman film we have been waiting for.

Monday 10 June 2013

Hay-Fever + Wheelchair = Bad Combo

Without fail every year about this time Hay-Fever kicks into overdrive and today I have been suffering really badly. My nose is red raw, sore and running like a tap. I have always suffered from hay fever for as long as I can remember just another thing that has been passed down to me from my mum. Being a wheelchair user and suffering from hay fever is a really bad combo, well it is for me anyway as for when I sneeze. I don’t sneeze like normal people I sneeze at 200mph, like there is a rocket up my bum and I go forward and yes I sneeze that hard that sometimes I launch myself out of my wheelchair like a flying man. A lot of people tell me I need a seat belt in my wheelchair but I sneeze so powerful and silly and go forward that I would still end up on the deck on this time I’ll end up with a wheelchair strapped to my back. Today is just the worst as it’s a high pollen day which I have sneezed about 20 odd times so far I have kept myself in my wheelchair but the day is not over yet.