Tuesday 2 December 2014

Sharing Is Caring

Yesterday I saw some friends sharing a video on Facebook so I watched it and its really sweet,

It’s of 19 year old Tasha who was diagnosed with Friedreichs Ataxia on the 4th February 2014. She is ding a Bucket List of 50 things that she wants to achieve before she die’s/FA kicks in, now I think this is pretty cool and fair play to her...

 Watch the video

But Tasha and any other FA out there reading this here’s my message to you Never Give Up, Don't Back Down and Keep On Trucking. Now I know everybody with FA is different, but just because you have FA doesn’t mean life is over... there is life with FA. I’ve been living with FA for over 12 years now and I pretty much still do all the same things I used to do, something’s I do them a little differently than before, I’m a big believer in where there's a will there's a way.

Just for the record I’m not trying to tell anyone how to live their live or be like me, I’m trying to say that you can still enjoy life even with FA. And let’s face it Yes FA dose suck I wouldn't wish it on anyone (and Yes even to this very day I still get days where I struggle with it, I’m only human) but I find away to battle and keep on going. Kind of going of track a bit now, I don’t know not even sure if this blog helps anyone, but as I said before Never Give Up, Don't Back Down and Keep On Trucking... this live still has some beautiful things, even for us folks with disabilities.

To follow her journey go here: 

For more information on Freidreichs Ataxia go here: 

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