Tuesday 30 December 2014

A New Experience

You know that I’ve told you I have been ill, well now it’s turned into a nasty cough and just as I thought I was getting better it reared its ugly head and really kicked me in the ass.

Was taking a shower and coughed and came flying out of my shower chair and yes spiked my head on the floor, had t finish my shower on the floor that was a new experience.

I’ve got a grazed head, cut knee, cut elbow and scratches on hip safe to say I’ve been in the war-zone today but I am okay it’s not the first time sure won’t be the last. 

As you all know by now, when I do fall I’m like a tortoise on its back... I’m fucked and today my brother was out so it was just me and mum, so after my shower on the floor with help by mum I got dry, put my boxer shorts on and mum grabbed her quilt I then got on the quilt and then what I only I can describe as a scene from the film hostel she dragged me into the front room to the sofa to where I got up and back into my wheelchair. 

So yeah we both know that wasn’t the proper way of doing things but hey ho it worked and it was kind of fun, mother and son bonding... haha

I’m a little banged up and sore but hey I’m a trooper I’ll be fine.

Mum has been a Super Mum today

Sometimes I wonder how I don’t get a concussion with the way I bang my head, I guess I was just born this way... haha

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