Friday 14 November 2014

3days of Fun

I have had 3 pretty great and fun days :-)

All started on Tuesday went to the cinema with my friend Dave and his brother; we did a cheeky KFC stop and then went to see Interstellar. 

 It's a beautiful journey into the unknown, long winded and a little emotional too but I loved it and yes I cried a little half why trough and the end and it’s very smartly done in how it’s shot and written. I only say it’s long winded because we saw it at 8:30pm and didn’t get out the cinema till like 11:30/45pm something like that. 

“Spoiler Alert” 

There is this scene in the film where Michael Caine is on his death bed, I whispered to Dave “I don’t like it when Michael Caine die’s and his reply whispering and in a cockney voice goes “you were only suppose to blow the fucking doors off” oh man that tickled me, I had to hold my laughter in it broke me I would have laughed the place down. 

Wednesday was the A Day To Remember gig 

And yes it will be a gig to remember for bad reasons, my gig buddy Chris picked me up and we headed to Southampton to pick up 2 of his friends who were also coming to the gig. After we picked them up we headed for Portsmouth Guildhall, as I and Chris were entering the venue this guy outside (who I believe was very drunk) fell over and face planted right in front of us, and to be honest he looked fucked. 

We arrived a little late as traffic was a nightmare, so we caught the end of the first band, now I have forgot their name but what I saw they were pretty cool. Next up were Lower Than Atlantis I found them okay, they had a few good songs and I thought they good support for ADTR they done their job of warming up the crowd. 

Then ADTR hit the stage and it was 30mins of all the Fun but came to a halt and became bad times really quick, I was down on the edge of dance in with the crowd having a good time and watching the band, I didn’t see the guy/fall but I did see all commotion from the balcony after.
Let’s just say it was not a nice experience to be part of, after that it was gig over everybody out.

So I Chris, Vince and Molly went to a pub for a quick drink and to hang out some more before we headed back. This pub went in to did not have a disabled toilet and I needed a pee, Vince said pee on the floor but I’m not an animal. I had my pee bottle with me but it was in my bag back in the car, so before we left the car park in Portsmouth there probably id footage of me whipping my dick out and taking a long needed pee by a skip, that’s right readers I’m classy. 

Last night Thursday

Fun evening out, food & beer at Mexigo with my little sister Danielle and her boyfriend Martin, and popped into the Anvil for a quick drink with the gang was good times. :-)

Here’s a little message to the people who have made the last few days All the Fun...

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