Monday, 13 October 2014

The Dorset Destroyers

Yesterday we had tester session 2 of wheelchair rugby, The Dorset Destroyers are growing into a beautiful thing and I am very proud to be a part of it.

Even though I am still very green (like a rookie)

On the first tester session we had 5 players, this time round we had 11, new blood as they say it made things a lot more fun. This time we used different chairs to the first session, to be honest it kind of throw me a bit, like having to tame a new beast. Maybe it was just me but the chairs felt a little heavier than the others.  
Still I enjoyed myself, lots of new faces and names to remember and I got my first sporting injury pulled my shoulder a little, rest up and I’ll be back.

I called for a pass and the ball got away from me behind me, I reached out for it and resulting in pulling my shoulder.

#TesterSession3 Sunday October 26th

Here’s a link for all the info

I should also add that there was a professional photographer there that took some pictures of all the players, the team and the game. When I see them I’ll be sure to post them on my blog.

Please help me raise awareness of The Dorset Destroyers our aim is to get this club massive and to make it social and fun, so please help us out and share this around.

I’m sure you can imagine wheelchair in not cheap the chairs cost a lot. If anyone reading this would like to donate funds to the club that would be amazing, because as Tesco say Every Little Helps.

Right I’m off to ice my shoulder 

More links 


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