Friday, 27 September 2013

It’s a Love/Hate Relationship with Doctors

Back from Hospital this morning and I am really pissed off, nothing bad went down I’m just annoyed with the way they spoke to me and the things they said. I saw one doctor I know and seen a few times and she had two new people with her, the reason for going today was to talk about the pain episodes I’ve been getting in my lower back but it turned into talking about everything. We started off with the feet and this was number 1 on the bullshit check list of thing that didn’t meet their expectations. After my near one and half years and many operation my feet aren’t quite up to scratch, and now they are talking about having splints made again. The way things are looking at the moment all the operations were a complete waste of time.

And then we moved on to number 2

The wheelchair and seat cushion and we talked about the Moire Fringe Clinic scan thing I had done and my posture and they asked about the special seat cushion I was meant to have made so I explained it all that it never happened, the NHS wheelchair services who made me the chair I am using at the moment just put extra gel packs in the cushion they took the cheap easy way out. I told them anyway that I had paid to get a new privet custom wheelchair made and blood hell that was wrong of me. As they started tell me how they people making my new wheelchair were not occupational therapist or qualified to do it right and I was like wow hang like the NHS guys are if they cared so much about my posture they would made the correct cushion in the first place.
Then we finally got on to why I went there for the freaky back pain episodes. They took me in to the little side room and had a feel in places and asked some questions but nothing really came to anything.  I’m getting booked in for a scan on my abdomen and pelvis and I had a blood test done. Hopefully we can get to the off it and find out what’s going on.

I don’t know I just left there today feeling really down and out I felt like I sat in a room for an hour being told off for being naughty and everything I was doing wasn’t good enough. I don’t know maybe it’s just me my mum said I’m taking to heart too much, maybe I am . The just really fucking pissed me off (sorry for my language there) sometime I wish I could just fuck the lot of them off again like I did but I have an ongoing illness so something down the line will kick in and send me back to the just like the whole feet did. It’s a love/hate relationship with doctors they are a bunch of fantastic people but sometimes they piss you off.

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