Wednesday 25 February 2015

The Journey To My Right Foot

It has occurred to me that I have never done a post of the story of my right foot. I know I have talked about it and done a video, but this time the whole story written and with pictures (Now if you are if you faint hearted in anyway, maybe Stop Reading Now) Here is a link to the video version

Okay here we go

The story of my right foot 

 I went into Bournemouth Hospital on the 22nd of August 2012 and they gave me the choice of what foot to have operated on first, as I am left handed so my left side is more dominant I chose the right foot.  The operation went fine but what they didn’t take into consideration was, because my foot had been in that horrible position for so long my skin had lost its stretchiness so they had to cut it off and leave the wound open. (You’ll see in the pictures soon)

I have what is known as a friedreich’s foot (High plantar arches pes cavus deformity of the foot) I don’t walk anymore but I kept rolling over on my ankles when I was transferring and I was getting pain in the balls of my feet. They were worried that I would but the skin open and get infections, so it was time to get surgery which I was put between a rock and a hard place. Because I was told that if the surgery didn’t work I may have to have both legs amputated from the knee, and if I didn’t have the surgery I run the risk of them getting worse and maybe losing them one day.

The surgery I had done was 

They stretched my Achilles tendon, took bone and ligaments of my foot replaced them with lots of metal work, and then they fused my ankle and foot to a 90% angel.
 The original plan was to have one foot done at a time, so have one foot done on the 22nd and go home for 2weeks and go back to have the left foot done.

The new plan

After surgery I awoke to all this news, and the new plan now was I was going to wait in Bournemouth Hospital until a bed became available in Salisbury Hospital where I was going to be having a skin graft.

I was on a vac machine, it was basically keeping my foot alive sucking all the bad blood out of my open wound. 

                                                               (this is a vac machine)

The next night

You see during the day Bournemouth Hospital was great, but at night it turned into Bangkok, Thailand the night staff struggled to speak English, you were better off asking the cleaning team for help. One night my vac machine started beeping, so I called for a nurse and a nurse and was like can I help? I was like this machine is beeping and her reply was oh right well I’m not qualified to touch this machine, so she went to find someone that was qualified, there was only one nurse that night and she was in a different part of the Hospital it took 40minutes for her to get to me and when she arrived at me bed she went it’s full and needs changing. That nurse done her thing and it stopped beeping, later that night it started beeping again (I thought to myself it can’t full again) so again I pushed the button for a nurse one came and said “how can I help” I said it’s beeping again, she said I’ll be right back she came back and said I’m going to switch it off I looked her and said I don’t think you should do that but hey I’m just the patient, I’m not a Doctor she went ahead and switched the machine off. 3 times that night I woke up with me leg heavily bleeding (My bed looked like a scene from Texas Chainsaw Massacre and of course they had to keep changing my bedding) the just kept wrapping my leg with more bandages so come the morning my leg looked like the leg of the stay puft marshmallows from Ghostbusters.

My consultant was not happy when she heard the tale of what went down, when they came to change the dressing on my leg I remember that day clearly because my  good friend and tattoo artist Emma Garrard so they came to my bed on the ward and pulled the curtain round. In there was me, Emma and the main sister (who was an old timer, I was like I bet she’s seen some blood in her time) and she had 5 or 6 student nurses with her, which all of them left as they could not hack it.
To be honest it was pretty gory and I had a big blood clot, if I had my way I would have ran to but I can’t run. Anyway the sister didn’t do a good job of cleaning my foot up so my consultant came to finish the job and man was she livid she was not happy with care I was receiving on that ward, she told them they weren’t even fit to deal with bunions and bed sores and demanded that I was transferred to Poole Hospital. 

Going from Bournemouth Hospital to Poole Hospital

That was a fun day 

Because I was taking on a stretcher in an ambulance and just before I left Bournemouth Hospital they gave me some oramorph just in case I have any pain along the way.  It’s safe to the journey was pain free but because I had be laying down the whole way by I got to Poole Hospital I felt so sick, they rolled me to my room and I said I was going to be sick so the ambulance driver went to grab me a sick bowl but he was too late, I projectile vomited all over the walls it was like a scene from The Exorcist I missed my nurses by inches. I was led there still puking going I’m so sorry, and they were like don’t worry about it we’ve seen worse. 

After they cleaned me up they transferred me into my new Hospital bed, I had a lovely private room in Poole Hospital even had a sea view which was pretty. I went under again in Poole Hospital for a clean up on the foot, so caught short out the shit Bournemouth Hospital had cheated and every day I was having my dressing changed on my foot.

I even had a Birthday in Poole Hospital all my friends and family came to see me and yes we had shit loads of cake, so much I had to give it away which is not cool but better than binning it. On my Birthday my friend Joe asked what I was taking (medication) all I was taking was paracetamol and sometimes ibuprofen, hey I’ll hold my hands and say I’m a weak pussy when it comes to drugs but that night in Hospital I told them I was in pain and I took everything they offered me and that night in my room it wasn’t Michael Jordan in Space Jam it was me also I had the best sleep too I was out cold. 

I spent about a week in Poole Hospital and then a bed become available at Salisbury Hospital, so I packed my things and it was off to Hospital number 3 now Poole Hospital wouldn’t’ allow me to take the vac machine with me, as they put it “if I took it with me it would take about 6months for them to get it back” so my foot was bandaged up again and in an ambulance I went again at least this time I was sat up.

Hospital number 3 Salisbury Hospital

The plan was I was going to be having a skin graft but here’s what went down, so I got to Salisbury Hospital on a Friday got taking into private room to do hand over and meet the team who would be fixing my foot, after some time of explaining all of what I’ve been through I was left alone in my room. The room was small and not as nice as the one I had just come from in Poole Hospital but thought it will do anyway a guy came in and rolled me down to x-ray they x-rayed my right foot I never saw the pics but I got told I had a lot of metal put in my foot (I love Metal \m/ so that was cool with me) after that I was rolled back on to a ward, at first I was like oh crap I hate wards but man apart from my Birthday in Poole being on that ward was the best. 

Anyway back to the story so yeah Friday I got there and on the Monday I went under for them to look at my foot and do a skin graft; I was like yes we are getting somewhere and then I woke up Monday night and was back on a vac machine, and the surgeons came to see me and told me I had caught a big infection in my foot and they had to take it back down to just bone and metal. After that news I just wanted to scream fuck, the next few days I was being woken up at 5:35am to be pumped with tiger antibiotics to fight the infection.

Then new plan was they were going to do this big operation where they were going to take all stuff they needed out of my left thigh like a main artery and muscle and plum it up into my foot. So after I ran my course of tiger antibiotics the plan was to go under for one more clean and make sure the tiger antibiotics had worked so that day comes and I’m sat in bed watching the rest of ward eating breakfast and of course I can’t eat as I am waiting to go under, and then lunch comes and I’m waiting (belly rumbling I like fuck) then dinners comes now I’m just like FUUUUCK... It was about 10:30pm by time they got me down theatre.

Anyway the tiger antibiotics had worked so next they were going to this procedure where they were going to go into my groin and pump my full of dye and take x-ray pictures to see if my archery was good enough for my foot now this was a wired one as I was awake for this one, now usually when my mum watches stuff on tv like this I’m gone can’t handle it but when it’s happen to you I found myself fascinated by it all I kept trying to look, this lady surgeon put this gel cleaning stuff on my groin and it slipped off and  landed on my balls yes I was naked I was naked a lot in Hospital anyway man it brought a whole new meaning to "Great Balls Of Fire" ( she had to get the spray water and hose my balls oh man did we have a giggle about that.

Next step was to have the big operation which was going to be over 10hours, just like Ghostbusters we came, we saw and we kicked it’s ass (well I was asleep haha) when I woke up I had all kinds of machines and wires coming out of me oh and guess what I had another vac machine. 

The big operation went great but I know had a hole on my thigh they couldn’t close, so a few days past and I went back under and finally had that skin graft done. 

                                                                    (my right foot now)
All of if it looks so much better now as it's all fully healed up.

So there it is folks the journey of my right foot, now I’ve never been a religious person but I fleet like I was been watched over by some higher power or my body is just a lot stronger than I think.
As you know I am a big Smallville fan and yes watched it in Hospital on E4 as they would show re-runs in Smallville they had Lana Lang and my special nurses who looked after my big operation in Salisbury Hospital was called Lara Tang close enough. 

I’d just like to say if anyone is reading this who may of looked after me during this journey thanks for putting up with me and thank you for watching over me, I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

Friday 13 February 2015

Achievement unlocked First Ever Therapeutic Communications in Adult Nursing done

If someone had told me a few years ago that one day i would be sharing my stories and experiences with students to help them learn, i would have probably replied with with something like you're crazy i could never do something like that... Never say never because that is exactly what my life is now 

Here comes the cheesiness

                                                         (Told you cheesiness haha...)

Today I was doing Level I Therapeutic Communications in Adult Nursing Unit aka role playing, we had to simulate handover with them anyone who has experienced some Hospital stay will be familiar with the handover.

Going in I was a bag of mixed emotions nervous and excited, rolled into the lab that they had set up which looked just like a Hospital ward and I waited for my students or Adult Nurses.

I was doing 2 sessions of role playing today, and I am not going to give the students names but I much preferred session 1 over session 2 

So here was the layout each group was 3 students to 1 service user 

Student 1: Assessor (carries out your assessment)

Student 2: Mentor (to support the assessor and offer occasional prompts if necessary)

Student 3: Less experienced student (to observe and learn, may take notes, ask questions)

In my first session I only had 2 Assessor and Mentor and they were both lovely young ladies so naturally we got on like a house on fire and half way through the handover I had to break character because they were unsure to whether I have had surgery or was waiting for surgery (I must be a good actor like Tom Cruise damn it I’m in the wrong job haha)

I told them I was in Hospital today to have right foot reconstructive surgery, I kept to my same story twice.

It was a pleasure and it went so smooth my first session, session 2 wasn’t bad but this time I had 3 students 

Student 1: Assessor
Was fine 

Student 2: Mentor
Spent most of the time looking at her feet (from my point of view)

Student 3
Just looked bored

Today was all the fun and we had so giggles too, I do love doing this and I am not sure why I get so nervous I guess it’s just a natural human reaction when going into the unknown. 

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone and that is so true, I always tend to find when I give talks as I get into it I feel like weight is taken of my shoulders and I become at ease and more relaxed like a flowing rap star on stage.

I just hope I helped the students out today and not talked a load of old rubbish.

I feel like this is my way of giving back I always come away with a sense of achievement and hope I helped the students in some small way with their future careers and I hope to do more.

Monday 9 February 2015

Wheelchair Rugby Training

First things first training has officially started for The Dorset Destroyers; yesterday we had training session number 2. I took an old wheelchair cushion with me to put in the rugby be chair and it made me higher up which made it a little easier for me to push and get little speed here and there, the speed was short lived though.

Because I was too high up when I went lean back it looked like I went flat in the chair, this happened a lot yesterday. A few of the lady’s and even my mum were like that’s no good for you, so yes I hold my hands up and say if was a dumb move but it was trial by error or something like that, meaning it had to be made so I could learn from it. 

                                          (Me going flat in my chair, not good for the back)

I believe having that little height under me was great and I felt like it will give me that little boost I need, I just got to find that balance so I’m not too up I fuck my back up or too low down that  I’m slow like a turtle.

I can safely say after yesterday I am pretty sore but I have Lemmy Kilmister juice aka JD & Coke so it’s all good :-)

Enjoy some shots from yesterday’s session  


Now that we are in proper training mode it’s getting harder but I am sticking with it no pain no gain right plus The Dorset Destroyers are like Family great bunch of people.