Wednesday 17 July 2013

Back Update and Heat Wave

Quick updated on my back scenario

On Friday I saw my GP Doctor to explain all, but before that let me tell you about Thursday and the night before. Thursday night I had a shower and I had a fall from my shower chair to my wheelchair I didn’t hurt myself and after drying myself I was putting my underpants on (boxer’s as I call them) and I was doing a lot of moving, shuffling and twisting and the pain I have been getting in my lower left back seemed it locked and the pain was intense. I couldn’t get into a precision where the pain would stop, my breathing became really slow, I was sweating loads, my mum said I went grey in the face, I felt really hot and sick. For a minute or two I did think this was going to be the end of the road for me, it was pretty scary. I got on my bed and had a lay down and then it just all stopped. Come the Friday I explained all this too the Doctor and he took a look at my back, but as he said he is no expert so he is going to try and get me referred to see the experts that know there stuff when it comes to back.

Heat Wave

I live in Bournemouth which is on the south coast of Great Britain, and for a few weeks now in the UK we have been having a very nice heat wave. It’s much better rain which for the last for years in this time of the year we usury get. The last 2days the tempter has be so high that it’s been sticky. And I know I am not the only FA person that has been struggling in this heat. I am just sticking to everything I can’t use my transfer bored as it comes with me, wheelchair seat cousin I stick too. I know I sound like a moaning old man I am loving this weather I just wish it would got a little cooler so I 0stop sticking to everything.


  1. That sounds annoying, I hope the experts can work it out. Are there exercises or stretches that make it feel better or worse?

  2. No James Boon any stretching makes it worse i'm not too sure what it is to me i think it's where my spinal curves so at the moment i'm playing the waiting game
